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Text File  |  2006-11-04  |  12KB  |  1,066 lines

  1. #TITLE=AutoHotkey
  2. ; AutoHotkey syntax file
  3. #DELIMITER=,`=:\{}
  4. #QUOTATION1="
  5. #QUOTATION2=%
  7. #COMMENTON=/*
  9. #ESCAPE=`
  11. #KEYWORD=Commands and Directives
  12. ^#AllowSameLineComments
  13. ^#ClipboardTimeout
  14. ^#CommentFlag
  15. ^#ErrorStdOut
  16. ^#EscapeChar
  17. ^#HotkeyInterval
  18. ^#HotkeyModifierTimeout
  19. ^#Hotstring
  20. ^#IfWinActive
  21. ^#IfWinExist
  22. ^#IfWinNotActive
  23. ^#IfWinNotExist
  24. ^#Include
  25. ^#IncludeAgain
  26. ^#InstallKeybdHook
  27. ^#InstallMouseHook
  28. ^#KeyHistory
  29. ^#LTrim
  30. ^#MaxHotkeysPerInterval
  31. ^#MaxMem
  32. ^#MaxThreads
  33. ^#MaxThreadsBuffer
  34. ^#MaxThreadsPerHotkey
  35. ^#NoEnv
  36. ^#NoTrayIcon
  37. ^#Persistent
  38. ^#SingleInstance
  39. ^#UseHook
  40. ^#WinActivateForce
  41. AutoTrim
  42. BlockInput
  43. Break
  44. Click
  45. ClipWait
  46. Continue
  47. Control
  48. ControlClick
  49. ControlFocus
  50. ControlGet
  51. ControlGetFocus
  52. ControlGetPos
  53. ControlGetText
  54. ControlMove
  55. ControlSend
  56. ControlSendRaw
  57. ControlSetText
  58. CoordMode
  59. Critical
  60. DetectHiddenText
  61. DetectHiddenWindows
  62. Drive
  63. DriveGet
  64. DriveSpaceFree
  65. Edit
  66. Else
  67. EnvAdd
  68. EnvDiv
  69. EnvGet
  70. EnvMult
  71. EnvSet
  72. EnvSub
  73. EnvUpdate
  74. Exit
  75. ExitApp
  76. FileAppend
  77. FileCopy
  78. FileCopyDir
  79. FileCreateDir
  80. FileCreateShortcut
  81. FileDelete
  82. FileGetAttrib
  83. FileGetShortcut
  84. FileGetSize
  85. FileGetTime
  86. FileGetVersion
  87. FileInstall
  88. FileMove
  89. FileMoveDir
  90. FileRead
  91. FileReadLine
  92. FileRecycle
  93. FileRecycleEmpty
  94. FileRemoveDir
  95. FileSelectFile
  96. FileSelectFolder
  97. FileSetAttrib
  98. FileSetTime
  99. FormatTime
  100. GetKeyState
  101. Gosub
  102. Goto
  103. GroupActivate
  104. GroupAdd
  105. GroupClose
  106. GroupDeactivate
  107. Gui
  108. GuiControl
  109. GuiControlGet
  110. Hotkey
  111. If
  112. IfEqual
  113. IfExist
  114. IfGreater
  115. IfGreaterOrEqual
  116. IfInString
  117. IfLess
  118. IfLessOrEqual
  119. IfMsgBox
  120. IfNotEqual
  121. IfNotExist
  122. IfNotInString
  123. IfWinActive
  124. IfWinExist
  125. IfWinNotActive
  126. IfWinNotExist
  127. ImageSearch
  128. IniDelete
  129. IniRead
  130. IniWrite
  131. Input
  132. InputBox
  133. KeyHistory
  134. KeyWait
  135. ListHotkeys
  136. ListLines
  137. ListVars
  138. Loop
  139. Menu
  140. MouseClick
  141. MouseClickDrag
  142. MouseGetPos
  143. MouseMove
  144. MsgBox
  145. OnExit
  146. OutputDebug
  147. Pause
  148. PixelGetColor
  149. Pixelsearch
  150. PostMessage
  151. Process
  152. Progress
  153. Random
  154. RegDelete
  155. RegRead
  156. RegWrite
  157. Reload
  158. Repeat
  159. Return
  160. Run
  161. RunAs
  162. RunWait
  163. Send
  164. SendEvent
  165. SendInput
  166. SendMessage
  167. SendMode
  168. SendPlay
  169. SendRaw
  170. SetBatchLines
  171. SetCapsLockState
  172. SetControlDelay
  173. SetDefaultMouseSpeed
  174. SetEnv
  175. SetFormat
  176. SetKeyDelay
  177. SetMouseDelay
  178. SetNumLockState
  179. SetScrollLockState
  180. SetStoreCapslockMode
  181. SetTimer
  182. SetTitleMatchMode
  183. SetWinDelay
  184. SetWorkingDir
  185. Shutdown
  186. Sleep
  187. Sort
  188. SoundBeep
  189. SoundGet
  190. SoundGetWaveVolume
  191. SoundPlay
  192. SoundSet
  193. SoundSetWaveVolume
  194. SplashImage
  195. SplashTextOff
  196. SplashTextOn
  197. SplitPath
  198. StatusBarGetText
  199. StatusBarWait
  200. StringCaseSense
  201. StringGetPos
  202. StringLeft
  203. StringLen
  204. StringLower
  205. StringMid
  206. StringReplace
  207. StringRight
  208. StringSplit
  209. StringTrimLeft
  210. StringTrimRight
  211. StringUpper
  212. Suspend
  213. SysGet
  214. Thread
  215. ToolTip
  216. Transform
  217. TrayTip
  218. URLDownloadToFile
  219. WinActivate
  220. WinActivateBottom
  221. WinClose
  222. WinGet
  223. WinGetActiveStats
  224. WinGetActiveTitle
  225. WinGetClass
  226. WinGetPos
  227. WinGetText
  228. WinGetTitle
  229. WinHide
  230. WinKill
  231. WinMaximize
  232. WinMenuSelectItem
  233. WinMinimize
  234. WinMinimizeAll
  235. WinMinimizeAllUndo
  236. WinMove
  237. WinRestore
  238. WinSet
  239. WinSetTitle
  240. WinShow
  241. WinWait
  242. WinWaitActive
  243. WinWaitClose
  244. WinWaitNotActive
  246. #KEYWORD=Special Keywords
  247. ; Used with CoordMode or PixelXXX commands:
  248. Pixel
  249. Mouse
  250. Screen
  251. Relative
  252. RGB
  253. ; Continuation sections:
  254. LTrim
  255. RTrim
  256. Join
  257. ; Priority of processes
  258. Low
  259. BelowNormal
  260. Normal
  261. AboveNormal
  262. High
  263. Realtime
  264. ; Keywords inside the WinTitle parameter of various commands:
  265. ahk_id
  266. ahk_pid
  267. ahk_class
  268. ahk_group
  269. ; Used with SetFormat and/or "if Var is [not] type" & BETWEEN/IN
  270. Between
  271. Contains
  272. In
  273. Is
  274. Integer
  275. Float
  276. Number
  277. Digit
  278. Xdigit
  279. Alpha
  280. Upper
  281. Lower
  282. Alnum
  283. Time
  284. Date
  285. ; Omitted because it's a key name too: SPACE
  286. ; Expression keywords:
  287. Not
  288. Or
  289. And
  290. ; Used with Drive/DriveGet and/or WinGet/WinSet:
  291. AlwaysOnTop
  292. Topmost
  293. Top
  294. Bottom
  295. Transparent
  296. TransColor
  297. Redraw
  298. Region
  299. ID
  300. IDLast
  301. ProcessName
  302. MinMax
  303. ControlList
  304. Count
  305. List
  306. Capacity
  307. StatusCD
  308. Eject
  309. Lock
  310. Unlock
  311. Label
  312. FileSystem
  313. Label
  314. SetLabel
  315. Serial
  316. Type
  317. Status
  318. ; For functions:
  319. static
  320. global
  321. local
  322. ByRef
  323. ; Time units for use with addition and subtraction:
  324. Seconds
  325. Minutes
  326. Hours
  327. Days
  328. ; For use with the Loop command:
  329. Read
  330. Parse
  331. ; A_ExitReason
  332. Logoff
  333. Close
  334. Error
  335. Single
  336. ; The following are Commented out because they are already a keywords due to being a commands:
  337. ;Shutdown
  338. ;Menu
  339. ;Exit
  340. ;Reload
  341. ; Keywords used with the "menu" command:
  342. Tray
  343. Add
  344. Rename
  345. Check
  346. UnCheck
  347. ToggleCheck
  348. Enable
  349. Disable
  350. ToggleEnable
  351. Default
  352. NoDefault
  353. Standard
  354. NoStandard
  355. Color
  356. Delete
  357. DeleteAll
  358. Icon
  359. NoIcon
  360. Tip
  361. Click
  362. Show
  363. MainWindow
  364. NoMainWindow
  365. UseErrorLevel
  366. ; Gui control types (note that Edit, Progress and Hotkey aren't included since they are already command keywords):
  367. Text
  368. Picture
  369. Pic
  370. GroupBox
  371. Button
  372. Checkbox
  373. Radio
  374. DropDownList
  375. DDL
  376. ComboBox
  377. ListBox
  378. ListView
  379. DateTime
  380. MonthCal
  381. Slider
  382. StatusBar
  383. Tab
  384. TreeView
  385. UpDown
  386. ; ListView:
  387. IconSmall
  388. Tile
  389. Report
  390. SortDesc
  391. NoSort
  392. NoSortHdr
  393. Grid
  394. Hdr
  395. AutoSize
  396. Range
  397. ; General GUI keywords:
  398. xm
  399. ym
  400. ys
  401. xs
  402. xp
  403. yp
  404. Font
  405. Resize
  406. Owner
  407. Submit
  408. NoHide
  409. Minimize
  410. Maximize
  411. Restore
  412. NoActivate
  413. NA
  414. Cancel
  415. Destroy
  416. Center
  417. Margin
  418. MaxSize
  419. MinSize
  420. OwnDialogs
  421. GuiEscape
  422. GuiClose
  423. GuiSize
  424. GuiContextMenu
  425. GuiDropFiles
  426. TabStop
  427. Section
  428. AltSubmit
  429. Wrap
  430. HScroll
  431. VScroll
  432. Border
  433. Top
  434. Bottom
  435. Buttons
  436. Expand
  437. First
  438. ImageList
  439. Lines
  440. WantCtrlA
  441. WantF2
  442. Vis
  443. VisFirst
  444. Number
  445. Uppercase
  446. Lowercase
  447. Limit
  448. Password
  449. Multi
  450. WantReturn
  451. Group
  452. Background
  453. bold
  454. italic
  455. strike
  456. underline
  457. norm
  458. BackgroundTrans
  459. Theme
  460. Caption
  461. Delimiter
  462. MinimizeBox
  463. MaximizeBox
  464. SysMenu
  465. ToolWindow
  466. Flash
  467. Style
  468. ExStyle
  469. Check3
  470. Checked
  471. CheckedGray
  472. ReadOnly
  473. Password
  474. Hidden
  475. Left
  476. Right
  477. Center
  478. NoTab
  479. Section
  480. Move
  481. Focus
  482. Hide
  483. Choose
  484. ChooseString
  485. Text
  486. Pos
  487. Enabled
  488. Disabled
  489. Visible
  490. LastFound
  491. LastFoundExist
  492. ; Already included with menu:
  493. ;Show
  494. ;Menu
  495. ;Color
  496. ;Edit
  497. ;Default
  498. ;Enable
  499. ;Disable
  500. ;Default
  501. ; Keywords used with the Hotkey command:
  502. AltTab
  503. ShiftAltTab
  504. AltTabMenu
  505. AltTabAndMenu
  506. AltTabMenuDismiss
  507. ; Keywords used with the Thread/Process commands
  508. NoTimers
  509. Interrupt
  510. Priority
  511. WaitClose
  512. Wait
  513. Exist
  514. Close
  515. ; Keywords for Send (these key names are also listed in Keys.txt, but without braces):
  516. {Blind}
  517. {Click}
  518. {Raw}
  519. {AltDown}
  520. {AltUp}
  521. {ShiftDown}
  522. {ShiftUp}
  523. {CtrlDown}
  524. {CtrlUp}
  525. {LWinDown}
  526. {LWinUp}
  527. {RWinDown}
  528. {RWinUp}
  529. ; Keywords used with the Transform command:
  530. Unicode
  531. Asc
  532. Chr
  533. Deref
  534. Mod
  535. Pow
  536. Exp
  537. Sqrt
  538. Log
  539. Ln
  540. Round
  541. Ceil
  542. Floor
  543. Abs
  544. Sin
  545. Cos
  546. Tan
  547. ASin
  548. ACos
  549. ATan
  550. BitNot
  551. BitAnd
  552. BitOr
  553. BitXOr
  554. BitShiftLeft
  555. BitShiftRight
  556. ; Keywords used with "IfMsgBox" ("continue" is not present here because it's a command too):
  557. Yes
  558. No
  559. Ok
  560. Cancel
  561. Abort
  562. Retry
  563. Ignore
  564. TryAgain
  565. ; Misc. eywords used with various commands:
  566. On
  567. Off
  568. All
  569. ; Registry root keys:
  575. HKLM
  576. HKU
  577. HKCU
  578. HKCR
  579. HKCC
  580. ; Registry value types:
  581. REG_SZ
  584. REG_DWORD
  586. A_AhkPath
  587. A_AhkVersion
  588. A_AppData
  589. A_AppDataCommon
  590. A_AutoTrim
  591. A_BatchLines
  592. A_CaretX
  593. A_CaretY
  594. A_ComputerName
  595. A_ControlDelay
  596. A_Cursor
  597. A_DD
  598. A_DDD
  599. A_DDDD
  600. A_DefaultMouseSpeed
  601. A_Desktop
  602. A_DesktopCommon
  603. A_DetectHiddenText
  604. A_DetectHiddenWindows
  605. A_EndChar
  606. A_EventInfo
  607. A_ExitReason
  608. A_FormatFloat
  609. A_FormatInteger
  610. A_Gui
  611. A_GuiEvent
  612. A_GuiControl
  613. A_GuiControlEvent
  614. A_GuiHeight
  615. A_GuiWidth
  616. A_GuiX
  617. A_GuiY
  618. A_Hour
  619. A_IconFile
  620. A_IconHidden
  621. A_IconNumber
  622. A_IconTip
  623. A_Index
  624. A_IPAddress1
  625. A_IPAddress2
  626. A_IPAddress3
  627. A_IPAddress4
  628. A_ISAdmin
  629. A_IsCompiled
  630. A_IsSuspended
  631. A_KeyDelay
  632. A_Language
  633. A_LastError
  634. A_LineFile
  635. A_LineNumber
  636. A_LoopField
  637. A_LoopFileAttrib
  638. A_LoopFileDir
  639. A_LoopFileExt
  640. A_LoopFileFullPath
  641. A_LoopFileLongPath
  642. A_LoopFileName
  643. A_LoopFileShortName
  644. A_LoopFileShortPath
  645. A_LoopFileSize
  646. A_LoopFileSizeKB
  647. A_LoopFileSizeMB
  648. A_LoopFileTimeAccessed
  649. A_LoopFileTimeCreated
  650. A_LoopFileTimeModified
  651. A_LoopReadLine
  652. A_LoopRegKey
  653. A_LoopRegName
  654. A_LoopRegSubkey
  655. A_LoopRegTimeModified
  656. A_LoopRegType
  657. A_MDAY
  658. A_Min
  659. A_MM
  660. A_MMM
  661. A_MMMM
  662. A_Mon
  663. A_MouseDelay
  664. A_MSec
  665. A_MyDocuments
  666. A_Now
  667. A_NowUTC
  668. A_NumBatchLines
  669. A_OSType
  670. A_OSVersion
  671. A_PriorHotkey
  672. A_ProgramFiles
  673. A_Programs
  674. A_ProgramsCommon
  675. A_ScreenHeight
  676. A_ScreenWidth
  677. A_ScriptDir
  678. A_ScriptFullPath
  679. A_ScriptName
  680. A_Sec
  681. A_Space
  682. A_StartMenu
  683. A_StartMenuCommon
  684. A_Startup
  685. A_StartupCommon
  686. A_StringCaseSense
  687. A_Tab
  688. A_Temp
  689. A_ThisHotkey
  690. A_ThisMenu
  691. A_ThisMenuItem
  692. A_ThisMenuItemPos
  693. A_TickCount
  694. A_TimeIdle
  695. A_TimeIdlePhysical
  696. A_TimeSincePriorHotkey
  697. A_TimeSinceThisHotkey
  698. A_TitleMatchMode
  699. A_TitleMatchModeSpeed
  700. A_UserName
  701. A_WDay
  702. A_WinDelay
  703. A_WinDir
  704. A_WorkingDir
  705. A_YDay
  706. A_YEAR
  707. A_YWeek
  708. A_YYYY
  709. Clipboard
  710. ClipboardAll
  711. ComSpec
  712. ErrorLevel
  713. ProgramFiles
  714. True
  715. False
  717. #KEYWORD=Key Codes
  718. {^}
  719. {+}
  720. {!}
  721. {#}
  722. {~}
  723. {$}
  724. {`}
  725. Shift
  726. {Shift}
  727. LShift
  728. {LShift}
  729. RShift
  730. {RShift}
  731. Alt
  732. {Alt}
  733. LAlt
  734. {LAlt}
  735. RAlt
  736. {RAlt}
  737. Control
  738. {Control}
  739. LControl
  740. {LControl}
  741. RControl
  742. {RControl}
  743. Ctrl
  744. {Ctrl}
  745. LCtrl
  746. {LCtrl}
  747. RCtrl
  748. {RCtrl}
  749. LWin
  750. {LWin}
  751. RWin
  752. {RWin}
  753. AppsKey
  754. {AppsKey}
  755. AltDown
  756. {AltDown}
  757. AltUp
  758. {AltUp}
  759. ShiftDown
  760. {ShiftDown}
  761. ShiftUp
  762. {ShiftUp}
  763. CtrlDown
  764. {CtrlDown}
  765. CtrlUp
  766. {CtrlUp}
  767. LWinDown
  768. {LWinDown}
  769. LWinUp
  770. {LWinUp}
  771. RWinDown
  772. {RWinDown}
  773. RWinUp
  774. {RWinUp}
  775. LButton
  776. {LButton}
  777. RButton
  778. {RButton}
  779. MButton
  780. {MButton}
  781. WheelUp
  782. {WheelUp}
  783. WheelDown
  784. {WheelDown}
  785. XButton1
  786. {XButton1}
  787. XButton2
  788. {XButton2}
  789. Joy1
  790. {Joy1}
  791. Joy2
  792. {Joy2}
  793. Joy3
  794. {Joy3}
  795. Joy4
  796. {Joy4}
  797. Joy5
  798. {Joy5}
  799. Joy6
  800. {Joy6}
  801. Joy7
  802. {Joy7}
  803. Joy8
  804. {Joy8}
  805. Joy9
  806. {Joy9}
  807. Joy10
  808. {Joy10}
  809. Joy11
  810. {Joy11}
  811. Joy12
  812. {Joy12}
  813. Joy13
  814. {Joy13}
  815. Joy14
  816. {Joy14}
  817. Joy15
  818. {Joy15}
  819. Joy16
  820. {Joy16}
  821. Joy17
  822. {Joy17}
  823. Joy18
  824. {Joy18}
  825. Joy19
  826. {Joy19}
  827. Joy20
  828. {Joy20}
  829. Joy21
  830. {Joy21}
  831. Joy22
  832. {Joy22}
  833. Joy23
  834. {Joy23}
  835. Joy24
  836. {Joy24}
  837. Joy25
  838. {Joy25}
  839. Joy26
  840. {Joy26}
  841. Joy27
  842. {Joy27}
  843. Joy28
  844. {Joy28}
  845. Joy29
  846. {Joy29}
  847. Joy30
  848. {Joy30}
  849. Joy31
  850. {Joy31}
  851. Joy32
  852. {Joy32}
  853. JoyX
  854. {JoyX}
  855. JoyY
  856. {JoyY}
  857. JoyZ
  858. {JoyZ}
  859. JoyR
  860. {JoyR}
  861. JoyU
  862. {JoyU}
  863. JoyV
  864. {JoyV}
  865. JoyPOV
  866. {JoyPOV}
  867. JoyName
  868. {JoyName}
  869. JoyButtons
  870. {JoyButtons}
  871. JoyAxes
  872. {JoyAxes}
  873. JoyInfo
  874. {JoyInfo}
  875. Space
  876. {Space}
  877. Tab
  878. {Tab}
  879. Enter
  880. {Enter}
  881. ; Not this one since it's already a keyword (a command): RETURN
  882. Escape
  883. {Escape}
  884. Esc
  885. {Esc}
  886. BackSpace
  887. {BackSpace}
  888. BS
  889. {BS}
  890. Delete
  891. {Delete}
  892. Del
  893. {Del}
  894. Insert
  895. {Insert}
  896. Ins
  897. {Ins}
  898. PGUP
  899. {PGUP}
  900. PGDN
  901. {PGDN}
  902. Home
  903. {Home}
  904. End
  905. {End}
  906. Up
  907. {Up}
  908. Down
  909. {Down}
  910. Left
  911. {Left}
  912. Right
  913. {Right}
  914. PrintScreen
  915. {PrintScreen}
  916. CtrlBreak
  917. {CtrlBreak}
  918. Pause
  919. {Pause}
  920. ScrollLock
  921. {ScrollLock}
  922. CapsLock
  923. {CapsLock}
  924. NumLock
  925. {NumLock}
  926. Numpad0
  927. {Numpad0}
  928. Numpad1
  929. {Numpad1}
  930. Numpad2
  931. {Numpad2}
  932. Numpad3
  933. {Numpad3}
  934. Numpad4
  935. {Numpad4}
  936. Numpad5
  937. {Numpad5}
  938. Numpad6
  939. {Numpad6}
  940. Numpad7
  941. {Numpad7}
  942. Numpad8
  943. {Numpad8}
  944. Numpad9
  945. {Numpad9}
  946. NumpadMult
  947. {NumpadMult}
  948. NumpadAdd
  949. {NumpadAdd}
  950. NumpadSub
  951. {NumpadSub}
  952. NumpadDiv
  953. {NumpadDiv}
  954. NumpadDot
  955. {NumpadDot}
  956. NumpadDel
  957. {NumpadDel}
  958. NumpadIns
  959. {NumpadIns}
  960. NumpadClear
  961. {NumpadClear}
  962. NumpadUp
  963. {NumpadUp}
  964. NumpadDown
  965. {NumpadDown}
  966. NumpadLeft
  967. {NumpadLeft}
  968. NumpadRight
  969. {NumpadRight}
  970. NumpadHome
  971. {NumpadHome}
  972. NumpadEnd
  973. {NumpadEnd}
  974. NumpadPgup
  975. {NumpadPgup}
  976. NumpadPgdn
  977. {NumpadPgdn}
  978. NumpadEnter
  979. {NumpadEnter}
  980. F1
  981. {F1}
  982. F2
  983. {F2}
  984. F3
  985. {F3}
  986. F4
  987. {F4}
  988. F5
  989. {F5}
  990. F6
  991. {F6}
  992. F7
  993. {F7}
  994. F8
  995. {F8}
  996. F9
  997. {F9}
  998. F10
  999. {F10}
  1000. F11
  1001. {F11}
  1002. F12
  1003. {F12}
  1004. F13
  1005. {F13}
  1006. F14
  1007. {F14}
  1008. F15
  1009. {F15}
  1010. F16
  1011. {F16}
  1012. F17
  1013. {F17}
  1014. F18
  1015. {F18}
  1016. F19
  1017. {F19}
  1018. F20
  1019. {F20}
  1020. F21
  1021. {F21}
  1022. F22
  1023. {F22}
  1024. F23
  1025. {F23}
  1026. F24
  1027. {F24}
  1028. Browser_Back
  1029. {Browser_Back}
  1030. Browser_Forward
  1031. {Browser_Forward}
  1032. Browser_Refresh
  1033. {Browser_Refresh}
  1034. Browser_Stop
  1035. {Browser_Stop}
  1036. Browser_Search
  1037. {Browser_Search}
  1038. Browser_Favorites
  1039. {Browser_Favorites}
  1040. Browser_Home
  1041. {Browser_Home}
  1042. Volume_Mute
  1043. {Volume_Mute}
  1044. Volume_Down
  1045. {Volume_Down}
  1046. Volume_Up
  1047. {Volume_Up}
  1048. Media_Next
  1049. {Media_Next}
  1050. Media_Prev
  1051. {Media_Prev}
  1052. Media_Stop
  1053. {Media_Stop}
  1054. Media_Play_Pause
  1055. {Media_Play_Pause}
  1056. Launch_Mail
  1057. {Launch_Mail}
  1058. Launch_Media
  1059. {Launch_Media}
  1060. Launch_App1
  1061. {Launch_App1}
  1062. Launch_App2
  1063. {Launch_App2}
  1065. #